
Laureate - 1979

Miroslav Krlezha



Miroslav Krlezha (Zagreb, 7 July 1893 – Zagreb, 29 December 1981), the most versatile Croatian writer, with outstanding creative activity, and the most influential literature person between the two World Wars. After the World War II he was a mamber of the Pariament, an academic, director of the Lexicographical Institute in Zagreb. In his lyrical poems and epic poems, Krlezha’s sryle varies from impressionism to expressionism and satyric expression. In the middle of his creational work lays his playwright acivity. Extensive and diversified, it is a permanent confirmation of Krlezha’s inner need to expose his poetic world in a scene, dialogue form, in a passionate collision with his own paradoxes. Krlezha is an author of a vast aesthetic opus where he argues the theoretic literature and painting issues, in the same time leading uncompromising polemics with his contemporaries (My Fight with Them, 1932). His most mature works are the plays from the so-called Glembays cycle: Gospoda Glembajevi, 1929, In Agony, 1928 and Leda, 1939. His novelistic and short story work had fully grasped the war and post-war themes (The Croatian God Mars, 1922, The Return of Filip Latinovic, 1932). A special place in Krlezha’s opus and in the Croatian literature take Petrica Kerenpuh’s Ballads (1936).